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Welcome, this is Rashel Miajee speaking. I believe in upholding transparency and honesty on the web. It’s important for me to inform you that some of the products and links featured on this website will earn me affiliate commissions for any purchases made through them. While my primary goal with this blog is to educate you about the various possibilities available to bloggers across different fields, I must also clarify that I operate this website as a for-profit business. If you are running a website yourself, unless you have a charitable purpose in mind, it is entirely reasonable to do it for profit.


As the site has experienced substantial growth, it has become challenging to list every affiliate program I am associated with. To ensure complete transparency, I kindly request that you assume any links leading to products or services on this site are affiliate links, and I may receive compensation from them.


I want to emphasize that I only endorse products and services that I have personally investigated and genuinely believe can provide value to you. You may come across banners for companies such as BlueHost, Leadpages, Create an App, and others on this site. Additionally, I am affiliated with and offer guidance to companies like Leadpages, ConvertKit, and Samcart.


Furthermore, I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.


It is essential to understand that I have not received any free products, services, or any other benefits from these companies in exchange for featuring them on this site. My only consideration comes through affiliate commissions or compensation as an advisor for a few companies.

Note: If you have any questions or concerns regarding the information provided above, please feel free to contact me using the contact page accessible in the menu above.


I wish you all the best and great success!

Rashel Miajee


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